I awaken each day with the wonderful faces of patients in my mind and the simple but funny, poignant and wise stories I’ve been privileged to hear.

Alan Blum, MD
"They had my mother in hospice for a year, but she wasn’t terminal enough, so they terminated her."
"I got 13 kids, so let’s get that out of the way now."
"I wake up with a Mountain Dew. I go to bed with a Mountain Dew. It’s like I’m a alcoholic."
"You say you think you got a medicine to stop my seizures? I don’t know why, it’s the only exercise I get. "
"My sister can’t stand death. She’s a nervous type person."
"She’s not really crazy. Ignorant just sounds too cruel of a word, but I guess that’s what she is."
"I thought i was bettering myself. I worsened myself. All he did was beat on me like a dog."
"We decided to celebrate, and I guess we did too much celebratin’, and she got pregnant."
"My new husband’s 74 and loves to snuggle."